Live Consciously. Look to the Future.

Clean living is conscious living. Thinking on your present and future can help build self-awareness, refine decision-making, and improve mental health. MU New York welcomes you to live consciously, consider your options clearly, and meditate on tomorrow with our monthly horoscope.

JULY 2024


July is a vibrant and dynamic month for Aries, full of opportunities for growth and new beginnings. The energy of the cosmos is on your side, infusing you with enthusiasm and a renewed sense of purpose. Embrace this time to pursue your passions and make bold decisions that align with your true desires. Your natural leadership skills will shine, allowing you to inspire and motivate those around you. Stay focused and determined, as your hard work is likely to pay off in unexpected ways. This month is about stepping out of your comfort zone and seizing the moment with confidence and courage.


July brings a period of introspection and grounding for Taurus. This is a time to reconnect with your inner self and reflect on your personal values and goals. The planetary alignment encourages you to focus on creating stability and security in your life. Embrace the slower pace and take time to nurture yourself and your loved ones. This is a perfect month for cultivating your home environment, indulging in self-care rituals, and finding comfort in simple pleasures. Trust in your instincts and take practical steps towards your long-term aspirations.


July is a month of exploration and learning for Gemini. Embrace your natural curiosity and seek out new experiences that expand your horizons. The energy of the cosmos encourages you to connect with others and share your ideas. This is a great time for networking, socializing, and engaging in intellectual pursuits. Your communication skills will be particularly strong, allowing you to articulate your thoughts and opinions effectively. Stay open to new perspectives and be willing to adapt to changing circumstances.


July is a transformative month for Cancer, filled with opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. The energy of the cosmos is urging you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace change. This is a time to let go of old patterns and make way for new beginnings. Trust in your intuition and follow your heart as you navigate this period of transition. Your emotional intelligence will be a powerful tool, helping you to connect deeply with others and understand their needs. Embrace your inner strength and resilience as you embark on this journey of transformation.


July is a month of radiance and self-expression for Leo. Embrace your natural charisma and let your light shine brightly. The energy of the cosmos is on your side, encouraging you to pursue your passions and make bold moves. This is a time to step into the spotlight and share your talents with the world. Trust in your abilities and be confident in your choices. Your enthusiasm and creativity will inspire those around you, making this a perfect month for collaborative projects and social engagements.


July brings a period of introspection and grounding for Virgo. Embrace the slower pace and take time to reflect on your personal values and goals. The energy of the cosmos encourages you to focus on creating stability and security in your life. This is a perfect month for self-care, organizing your environment, and setting clear intentions for the future. Trust in your instincts and take practical steps towards your long-term aspirations. Your attention to detail and analytical skills will be your greatest assets this month.


July is a harmonious and balanced month for Libra. Embrace the opportunity to create peace and harmony in all areas of your life. The energy of the cosmos is encouraging you to find balance between work and play, and between your personal and professional life. This is a time to nurture your relationships and connect with loved ones. Your natural charm and diplomacy will help you navigate any challenges that arise. Trust in your ability to find common ground and create win-win situations. Embrace the beauty of the present moment and let go of any worries about the future.


July brings a period of transformation and renewal for Scorpio. Embrace the changes that are unfolding and trust in the process of growth and evolution. The energy of the cosmos is urging you to let go of what no longer serves you and to make space for new beginnings. This is a time for introspection and self-discovery. Trust in your intuition and allow yourself to explore the deeper aspects of your psyche. Your emotional intelligence will be a powerful tool, helping you navigate any challenges that arise. Embrace the transformative power of change and trust that you are on the right path.


July is a month of adventure and exploration for Sagittarius. Embrace your natural curiosity and seek out new experiences that expand your horizons. The energy of the cosmos encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and explore the world around you. This is a time for learning and growth. Trust in your intuition and follow your passion. Your enthusiasm and optimism will inspire those around you. Embrace the spirit of adventure and let your inner explorer shine.


July brings a sense of determination and focus for Capricorn. Embrace your practical nature and steadfast resolve as you pursue your goals with diligence and determination. The energy of the cosmos encourages you to stay focused on your long-term aspirations and to take practical steps towards achieving them. This is a time for hard work and perseverance. Trust in your abilities and stay committed to your path. Your dedication and discipline will be rewarded.


IJuly is a month of innovation and creativity for Aquarius. Embrace your unique perspective and forward-thinking approach as you explore new ideas and opportunities for growth. The energy of the cosmos encourages you to think outside the box and to pursue your passions with enthusiasm. This is a time for breaking free from convention and embracing your individuality. Trust in your intuition and let your inner genius shine.


July brings a sense of compassion and intuition for Pisces. Embrace your sensitivity and empathy as you navigate the complexities of life with grace and compassion. The energy of the cosmos encourages you to connect with your inner self and to trust in the deeper rhythms of the universe. This is a time for introspection and spiritual growth. Trust in your intuition and allow yourself to explore the mysteries of the unknown. Your emotional intelligence will be a powerful tool, helping you to connect deeply with others and to navigate any challenges that arise.